The Korea Stewardship Code Council has been set up to provide necessary supports so the stewardship code may be implemented effectively and take hold in the Korean capital markets. The Council is engaging in diverse activities including listening to the voices from various stakeholders and monitoring how the Code is implemented at the overall market level.
Joined by Financial Supervisory Service, Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability, Korea Financial Investment Association, Korea Capital Market Institute, asset management firms, etc. under the leadership of Financial Supervisory Commission
Aimed at promoting market-based discipline and expertise, the Council was reorganized to include academics, removing government authorities from the members.
The Council reorganized to ensure the Code takes hold and is implemented effectively.
Korea Stewardship Code Council reorganized to be tasked with further development of the Code
The Korea Stewardship Code publicly released
Public opinions collected
Finalized version of the Korea Stewardship Code released
Stakeholder views collected
2nd public hearing for the adoption of Stewardship Code
Korea Stewardship Code Council reorganized to be led by KCGS
Draft version of the Korea Stewardship Code was made public in the 1st public hearing
Korea Stewardship Code Council formed under the leadership of the government
The Financial Services Commission unveiled its plan to adopt Stewardship Code in the market.
한국기업지배구조원은 개인정보보호법 등 관련 법령에 의거하여, 정보주체로부터 개인정보를 수집함에 있어 아래 내용을 안내하고 있습니다. 정보주체가 되는 이용자께서는 아래 내용을 자세히 읽어보시고, 모든 내용을 이해하신 후에 동의 여부를 결정하여 주시기 바랍니다.
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